.NET 7 Blazor News

04-19 阅读 0评论

.NET 7 Blazor News

  Syncfusion Essential Studio Blazor 2024 Volume 1 adds a new data form component that can autogenerate form fields based on your data model.

  Syncfusion Essential Studio Blazor (available as part of Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise) is a comprehensive UI component library designed to accelerate the development of high-performance, modern web applications using the Blazor framework. It boasts over 85+ responsive, lightweight, and modular components spanning various categories such as data visualization, data editing, document processing, and interactive UI elements. This rich repertoire empowers developers to rapidly build user-friendly, feature-rich web interfaces, with seamless integration of both server-side and client-side Blazor applications.

.NET 7 Blazor News

  The Syncfusion Essential Studio Blazor Version 2024 Volume 1 (25.1.35) release introduces the production-ready Blazor Data Form component, which is designed to streamline form creation within Blazor applications. It offers features such as automatic field generation based on your data model, seamless data binding for easy integration with your application's logic, and layout customization for a polished user experience. The Blazor Data Form component allows you to build complex or simple forms with minimal coding effort.



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